
Counsellors are trained professionals who provide talking-based styles of therapy on various issues. This includes social and professional issues. The practice of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy is common among counsellors to help people manage stress, overcome depression, and deal with past issues or trauma.


Do you need a qualification to work as a Counsellor?

The position for a counsellor requires one of the following: qualification in psychology, social work, counselling, or any other related field.


What does a Counsellor do?

A counsellor performs various tasks, such as assisting clients with job-seeking skills through information and resources, obtaining necessary information to work with clients on the study, employment, and career options.


How much is a Counsellor salary?

As per joboutlook.gov.au, the weekly pay of a counsellor is around $1584. The growth opportunity in this field is also very strong.  77% of females have chosen this lucrative career path.



As an occupation, the number of people working as counsellors is very strong.  This number is expected to grow exponentially in the next five years. More than 50% of people prefer working as full-time counsellors.


Thinking about studying or training to become a Counsellor?

Check out the following course(s) on CareerProgress related to counselling:

Diploma Of Counselling CHC51015 By Open Colleges


What skills do you need as a Counsellor?

Therapy & counselling, psychology, and customer & personal service are the top skills you need to become a counsellor.
Besides, one needs to work on communication skills and the English language to communicate clearly. In order to work as a Counsellor, a person needs to know ways to interact with people effectively.



*References made as per joboutlook.gov.au on the 22nd of April 2020.